Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Meeting Minutes May 10, 2012


Woolwich PTA
Meeting May 10, 2012

Meeting called to order at 6:03 PM


Staff Appreciation: received rave reviews; thank you to everyone.

·       Buy One Get One Free
·       Closed Friday afternoon, May 11 due to BAM day
·       Monday afternoon, May 14, needs to be covered: Alaine volunteered til 1:30, Deb O. from 1:30 til 3.
·       When working bookfair, keep in mind that there are lots of books in boxes that can be used to restock shelves.
·       No teacher money during this bookfair
·       Books coming in Monday will not be part of BOGO; they will be pure profit to PTA and specially priced.  Bar codes will be blacked out for pricing purposes.
·       Will be open during Art Show/Concert on Tuesday May 15.

RTI/Literacy Breakfast: May 9th at 8:30am (late start Wednesday)
·       Each child received a $5 gift cert to bookfair (approx. 80)
·       At least 60 people attended including parents (approx. 30-35 students)

Crop-n-Shop: cancelled; will reschedule for fall.

Boxtops:  Race began March 19th and we have already collected over 5400 boxtops, compared to 5600 last year.  Mrs. Sample’s class in the lead with over 1000.
·       Need to add note to newsletter about how they expire; two families mentioned to Karen that they are saving their boxtops for next year because they have no chance of winning.
·       No boxtops received from 6th grade; send email to them offering money for Mt Blue in exchange for all boxtops they turn in.
·       Just received check for $670.

Ink Cartridges: 
·       We have $24 in the Staples account now.  Just took in 10 more cartridges ($20).  Added another 10 ($20) to Tracy’s account; so we will have $64 by the end of the month.
·       Tracy will pick up supplies for back to school bags over the summer.


Funding Requests:
·       Pols/Vise need $320 (minus any family donations) for their Birds of Prey Chewonki Visit/Exhibition
VOTE: all in favor: APPROVED

Fall Fundraiser: need to sign a contract soon.  Bulk of our fundraising for the year.
·       Close By: all Maine made products.  All items over $12, up to $100s of dollars.  School earns 30%
·       Genevieves: has been our most successful fundraiser.  School earns 50%
·       Discussion:
Ø     Can we do both?  Doesn’t usually work, sales would be down for both.
Ø     Can we ask local Bath businesses? Can we do insert in Genevieves?  May cause issues (ie: Bath PTA sweet shoppe controversy)
Ø     It seems likely that students do better with sales of common/useful/low-price items (i.e. Genevieves)
Ø     Decision to stay with Genevieves.  Look at the Close By catalog and reconsider for next year.

Book Swap: Four weeks away.
·       Announcements/flyers have been going out.

Business Cards: Vistaprint
·       Includes PTA website, blogspot, facebook, contact info, etc.
·       Handed out at RTI breakfast and Kindergarten parent night.

Gift: xxxx xxxx has volunteered in the kitchen for years and has saved the school from having to hire an extra person.  Would like to purchase a gift card for her. 
Also need to purchase a gift for xxxx xxxx as a thank you for all that she does.
VOTE: all in favor: APPROVED

T-shirts: Being made for new school to be worn on 1st day; PTA will fund any for students that cannot afford to purchase them.

T-shirt Contest: fundraiser idea for next year, arrange for new vendor, get boxtops if Hanes brand.

Meeting adjourned 6:57 PM
Next meeting Monday June 11, 2012 at Montsweag Roadhouse for $5 burger night.