Tuesday, October 30, 2012

November Meeting

Reminder that the next PTA meeting will be held on Thursday, November 8th at 6:00pm, at WCS. We would love to see new friends and welcome new ideas, so please consider attending even if you have never have before. 
We hope that you will join us!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Meeting Minutes October 11, 2012


Woolwich PTA

Meeting October 11, 2012

Meeting called to order at 6:02PM


Field trip to Bowdoin for grades 4-5 was $61.82 over. They had under-estimated transportation cost.

VOTE to pay overage: all in favor: Approved


Box Tops- 1800 have been counted. 

Stacey will ask Betsy to do announcement of the top three classes to get the kids excited to bring them in.

Bath Sweet Shop Candy Fundraiser- Jennifer talked to the owner about a fundraiser that Bath PTA participates in that has been very successful.

·         They discussed doing a February candy sale but the owner suggested Easter as a better time especially for parents buying Easter goodies.

·         The PTA gets a 50% profit from sales. Bath PTA made $2000 last year.

·         They reviewed the order form.  It can be adjusted to fit what we want on the form and our school logo can be put on the wrappers.

Jennifer, Danielle & Karen will meet with Tom this month to get the stamp of approval. We will revisit at next month’s meeting.

Shop ‘Til You Drop Craft Fair

·         Karen has secured 40 8ft tables through Dave Richards at the RSU 1 which will save money. We can also utilize the cafeteria tables at Woolwich.

·         Karen has 25 crafters confirmed and paid and has many more lined up.

·         We will have a goodie walk and possibly add chowder and hotdogs.

·         Stacey mentioned that other fairs are going on the same day.  She thought we could offer a coffee punch card for customers who are traveling from fair to fair to get them interested in coming.

Merchandise- Orders are coming in for the following items;

-Translucent Blue 26oz water bottles

-Embroidered shirts and sweatshirts from Mainely Embroidery

-Fleece Stadium blankets with straps

Karen stated that we will plan on placing orders every other month depending on interest.

2011 T-shirts

Beth Whitney wrote the PTA to let us know that she has 23 assorted size t-shirts left from last year.  She wanted our help selling them at $8 each to make money to go towards an electronic sign for in front of school. We will sell them at Shop Till You Drop.

Pure Art

Need Volunteers to tally orders as well as to put Genevieve fundraiser packets together.  Jen or Danielle will post a sign-up sheet online.


 The catalogs are set to go home with students on Oct. 19.  Jennifer will put the packets together and deliver to the classroom teachers.  The order forms need to be returned by Nov. 2.

Funding Requests-

Mrs. Pols and Mrs. Vice have requested $300 for the Chewonki Bugmobile. (request to parents also went out asking for donations)

VOTE: all in favor: Approved

Southern Maine Math League-The 7-8th grade math team has requested $250 to cover registration for four math meets. 


·         Do we have a policy for extra-curricular activity funding?

·         There are not many academic extra-curricular activities.

·         Can we ask the parents of math team participants to contribute what they can to offset some of the cost.

VOTE: all in favor: Approved (stipulating that parents will be asked to make a small donation if possible)

Pasta Fundraiser

Jennifer brought some samples for us to look at for a pasta fundraiser to be held tentativeley for January or February.   The profit is 40-50% based on the size of the order.  They have every imaginable shape of pasta including sports teams. They also have some soup starters as well as gluten free options.

Wellness Committee

Lorna  updated us on Wellness committee news.

·         Walk to school day with field day to follow.  Volunteers needed.

Audit- We need two volunteers to review treasurer’s book-keeping. Lisa and Lorna volunteered.

Meeting adjourned 7:08PM