Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Last night, a small group of Woolwich parents attended an RSU#1 School Board Meeting to learn more about all this "Proficiency Based Diploma" , LD 1422 (the law)  "Common Core" standards and what it means to their children.  Great Schools Partnership was hired for around $19,000 to help guide Morse HS through the process. 
This blog post could be pages long summarizing the information shared - in short, it is imperative that we, as parents, grandparents, friends or guardians of Wildcats students do a little homework and understand what the change means.

The RSU#1 Board does seem committed to ensuring public input and community involvement.  Let's show them our interest by responding to these efforts when they become available.

Even though this is at the HS level (the diploma) the Common Core standards (Math and ELA) are already part of the K-5 Curriculum.  You may already have noticed shifts in homework or assessing that you want to know more about.

This is a recent letter from our RSU#1 Assistant Superintendent, Judy Harvey.  http://p2cdn1static.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_1093620/File/PBECommunityLetter.pdf

Please see references listed at the bottom of the letter; This is a great place to start for information on PBE, Common Core etc., but explore on your own as well!  Future blogs will provide updates to the process.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Parent Teacher Conferences

We have received notice that there are still many openings for Parent Teacher Conferences for today, April 10 and tomorrow, April 11.  You have the report cards, here is your opportunity to meet with your child's teacher with any questions, concern, or praise for all the hard work both child and teacher are accomplishing.  Appointments can be scheduled online at www.ptcfast.com/schools/Woolwich_Central_School or through the WCS website.  If you prefer to talk to someone directly, call the office at 443-9739.  

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Join Woolwich PTA

It's been a cold, hard winter.  As Mainers, we are accustomed to it.  Some say this winter was not abnormal at all - but simply a reminder of the days when ice fishing began in earnest in November, and snow days were called only during blizzards (sometimes).  Did you not experience a need to hibernate?  To eat comfort food, and ignore any friends or relatives returning from a Tropical vacation?  Sure, we made the basketball games and got groceries and made it to work.  But when weighing an evening spent bundled at home vs. yet another dark, arctic drive out - the slippers won.

Spring is finally knocking at our door, and with it, comes a resurgence of energy, and shedding of the winter 'blahs'.  Why not consider coming to the PTA meeting this Thursday?  Browse the book fair and tag the meeting on the end of parent-teacher conferences.  

Learn about the amazing work the PTA did over the winter (despite the cold and despite the small numbers)  Did your child go on a field trip or participate in Eat the Rainbow week? Family Fun night? Chances are, your WCS PTA funded it.

We have some exciting events coming up this Spring, including Teacher Appreciation and a Book swap.  We want to hear your ideas too!  It's just one meeting - we would love to see you!