Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Minutes from September 11, 2014

Here are Minutes from the Sept 11, 2014 meeting.  Any amendments will be discussed at the Oct. 9 meeting.

Meeting Minutes-Woolwich PTA
September 11,2014                                                                                                                                      6:04PM
In attendance=Lorna Ryan, Karen Madden, Kristen Cahill, Sara Savard, Courtney Clifford, Dena Bachman, Beth Jarvis, Allison Cosgrove, Gina Longbottom, Tony Babineau, Debbie Ouimette, Alaine Larcochelle, Nathaniel Harvey, Sherri Harvey, Bethany Atkins, Mona Gustafson and Jeannie Harrington.
Thank you notes recieved from Mrs. Perkins (pre-k) for the $25 certificate given to her last spring to use at the bookfair.  Beth Harrington-Thanking the PTA for the first day of school spread put on by Lanie Larochelle and Debbie Ouimette.
Treasurers Report- Sara Savard reported a bank account balance of $XXXX.XX.  The PTA account is lower then we would like going into a fresh school year.  Large chunk withdrawn ($2000.00 towards the electronic sign put up in honor of Mr. Soule's retirement).
Fundraising Report- Karen Madden presented to the group her plans for the 8th annual Shop til u drop craft fair.
Planned for December 6th, 2014.
12 vendors confirmed and paid.
Planning for 50 vendors total.
hoping to secure some tables from the RSU 1 (free of charge) and will rent the excess from Taylor Rental ( $8.00 per 8 foot table). 
Need volunteers to transport tables from Taylor Rental to WCS or absorb the cost of having them delivered.
Free tables will be allowed for PTA members and WCS Staff.
Punch Card- Will plan to have a punch card (as we did last year) for patrons to have punched at all three RSU 1 School fairs that day for a chance to win $100.00.   Each Schools PTA will donate equally.
Goody Walk- Hoping that Deb Young (or another volunteer) will continue the tradition of providing a table of donated baked goods for patrons to fill a bag/box/container with for a fee (generally $4).
Close Buy- Catalogs will go out to students on Monday the 15th and will be due back by September 24-25. Close buy offers 30% back on the amount your school sells.
Book Fair-Students who completed their summer math packets (only certain grades) will get a cerificate to be used at the book fair. Still need volunteers for Wednesday September 17th.  Should plan on extra coverage for open house night.
Halloween Dance-Will check with Mr. Libby on the gym schedule for October 24th.   Will form sub-committee to organize games, decorations, contests etc.  Debbie and Alaine will provide decorations.
Box Tops for Education- Stacey Crionion reports that she has sorted $205.00 worth of box tops and has approx $50 more to sort.
Labels for Education-4710 points and still collecting.  Stacey would like to let Mrs. Harrington use them again to purchase PE supplies.
Funding Requests- Grade 4 Emerson/Culley-Would like Funding for two "Bay Days".  One to be held this fall and one in the spring. (Chop Point & Merrymeeting Bay).  They would also like funding for a trip to the Maine State Museum in April.
Vote-All in Favor of fall Bay Day @ $204.00 APPROVED
Vote-All in Favor of Spring Bay Day @ $90.00 APPROVED
Vote-All in Favor of Maine State Museum trip @ $256.25 APPROVED
Grade 5-Bevans/Moran-Requesting funding for a trip to Chewonki in the spring for team building and science enrichmant.  Asking for $500.   Last year the trip with transportation was $670.00.
Vote-All in favor of tabling this request until estimate can be confirmed-UNANIMOUS
Kindergarten-Sample/Plummer-requesting $306.25 to cover transportation costs for a trip to Rocky Hill Orchard this fall as well as a trip to Wolf Neck Farm in the spring.
Vote-All in favor of Rocky Ridge Orchard/Wolfe Neck Farm Trips @ $306.25-APPROVED.
Kickboard -Jeannie Harrington shared with the group a plan to erect a kickboard in WCS field to be located near the snack shack.  This board would provide a spot for students, community members and sports teams to practice soccer and other sports skills.   Jeannie met with Ray Bernier (Bath Vocational Center Building Construction teacher), Mrs. Emerson and Dave Richards (RSU 1 Facilities director) to go over location and costs.  Jeannie and her husband and father in law would like to sponsor part of the cost of the build and would like the PTA's help.
Vote-All in favor of approving up to $300.00 to go towards the kickboard-APPROVED
WCS Math Team-would like funding to participate in Gateway math meets.  They travel to Portland 4 times per year at a cost of $350.00
Vote-All in favor of funding Math Team Transportation Costs @ $350.00-APPROVED
Discussion-Sara expressed that she would like to propose a $500 financial cap on funding requests for each grade level. Karen suggested that Bus quotes be directly obtained from Bath Bus Service to avoid overages.  The group decided that we will send out a  memo to staff letting them know our financial situation and get their input and possibly estimates from each grade to gauge what we will need to cover costs throughout the year.
RSU 1 Finance-Upcoming meeting on September 22.  Meetings still not well attended by public.  Need parental involvement.  You can view upcoming agenda on the committee's web site and sit in for the issues that you are interested in.
Meeting Adjourned-7:23

Sunday, September 21, 2014

What happens behind the 'Green Curtain?'

We can all remember that pivotal moment in the Wizard of Oz when Toto pulls on the green curtain, revealing that Oz is a little old man, and not the imposing, fear-inducing image on the screen.

In some ways, what happens at the RSU#1 School Board meetings is very similar.  Not in the 'scary' way perhaps, but from the standpoint of the "unknown",  and perceived lack of information, which in and of itself can breed mistrust and fear of change.

Tomorrow night is an opportunity to pull back that curtain.  There is a School Board meeting at 6:00pm, at Bath Middle School.  The agenda will include a presentation on Proficiency Based Education (translate: a shift in instruction, testing and HS graduation requirements) and the West Bath Withdrawal (the agreement between West Bath and the RSU was released this past week - but will require School Board approval-public sessions will precede a Vote in West Bath)

What is the timeline? What would withdrawal mean for Woolwich? Would our student enrollment potentially increase? Who would be required to pay tuition?  Here is the link to the Agreement on the RSU site: http://www.regionalschunit.beta.schools.bz/userfiles/3/my%20files/working%20group/working%20group/withdrawal%20agreement%2009-12-14%20(final).pdf?id=539512

The agenda includes public session for questions or further comments. Agenda is here:


Also, there are various openings for community members on the Policy, Finance and Facilities Committees.  Applications are due Oct 1 and can be retrieved from the RSU#1 website.  Or, write the Woolwich PTC for more information on how to apply.  These are great opportunities for parents to be directly involved at the RSU level.

Why not carpool with a friend, grab a coffee and stop by the meeting, even if for a small while and see what it is about.  If you can not make a meeting, the RSU #1 site has recordings of all the meetings.  And as always, email the Woolwich PTA with questions you may have at woolwichptc@yahoo.com.  Thank you for all you do!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Now It's Getting Real...

It's the beginning of week 3 and now it's getting real.  It's truly good-bye to summer, and hello to homework, practices, games, picture day, book fairs, and more.  But you've been down this path before. You've got this!

It feels that way from the PTA world as well.  Our agenda for last Thursday's meeting was full, and our turn-out was fabulous.  So wonderful to see new faces!  It was exhilarating to discuss our goals, and gain insight and new ideas on how to get them accomplished.  We received the first round of requests for funds for a variety of field trips and programming and we are looking forward to meeting those goals through some innovative fundraising.
Lucas sports a bow-tie for picture day

We know it seems like a lot so quickly out of the gates.  What may be helpful to know is that these events are so time-driven on product return, for example, that it offers little by way of flexibility in planning.  (some fund-raising partners only have campaigns once or twice a year).  But we do hope that the roll-out of the year, while ambitious, will also speak to our commitment to get the funding we need, and offer things to students and teachers right from the get-go.

We opened the Scholastic Book fair last Friday - and to say it was met with excitement and enthusiasm would be an understatement!  Kids were giddy!  Having the fair come to our school is, in many cases, the only opportunity a student has to own a new book.  The fair is not a fund-raiser for the PTA.  It is a tradition we have carried on for years and despite the work involved and the volunteers needed to make it happen, the acceptance of it from students and administrators alike make it worthwhile.  Features of this fair include 25% off each book, and $30 worth of scholastic dollars for each teacher.  It's tons of fun seeing teachers and kids in a 'happy place' when the book fair lines the hallway.

The Box-Top 'race' is on.  Classrooms are already turning in handfuls of them; worth .10 each. (the class submitting the most will get a dance party in PE)  Our coordinator, Stacey Crinion, is already trimming and counting each one.  Incredible as it seems, she tallied and mailed 30,000 of them last year; translate $3000 to our funding - We receive a check twice a year; in October and April.
Stacey counting boxtops for the fall race

Information concerning our first fundraiser with Close Buy will be in backpacks on Monday the 15th.  PTA will receive .30 for each dollar sold.

But it's not all about the money. Future outreach ideas were flowing from membership; topics such as parental assistance with newer math concepts taught in Everyday Math, collaborative literacy outreach for our PreK and Kindergarten parents and students, cyber safety, happenings in the RSU, the importance of attending RSU#1 School Board meetings, and others.   All great things!

So, as we roll up our sleeves for a busy first month or two, we ask for your understanding and your feedback.  You can likely see by now the WCS PTA thrives on a shared vision for our kids, and for our school.  It may be busy - but we're up for the task!  Please contact us any time to join in at woolwichptc@yahoo.com.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

And They're Off!

Yesterday, Facebook was abuzz with photos of the "1st Day of School".  What fun to see all the posts of eager Wildcats, from our little PreK cubs to our 8th grader 'big' cats - smiling (in most cases:) and decked out in new outfits and backpacks.  Despite the hectic pace involved in the transition from summer to school, seeing the students, and reading the pride of the parents in those posts reaffirms what the mission of the PTA is all about.  Although our group is comprised of varying personalities, and each person brings different skills to their volunteerism, at the end of the day, it's all about the kids.
Here is Tyler, Gaige, Sydney and Paiden displaying their Grades

I'll be the first to admit that when my daughter entered WCS, I held that stereotypical view that joining PTA meant helping with lots of bake sales.  (and I can't bake).  Cut out box tops? No time.  My eyes were opened after the first meeting when I learned of the incredible work done, much of it behind the scenes, in the form of giving time to run the Bookfairs, voting on and funding most of the transportation costs for field trips, hosting Holiday dances, preparing trays of colorful foods in conjunction with Wellness Committee events, and supporting Woolwich staff in countless ways; from helping teachers get kids organized for Picture Day to purchasing school supplies.  I also saw first hand (from the District Level) the cuts to transportation, facilities and supplies that no bake-sale will come close to covering.  (Although we do have very talented bakers in our mix...thank goodness!)

The most telling example of the good work PTA does came shorty after the Sandy Hook tragedy.  Despite us occupying a new building with a very secure entrance, the windows on the classroom doors had no means to block looking in . The WCS PTA approved 100% of the cost of having blinds made to cover the windows of every classroom door to better secure the safety of kids and teachers.
Mom photo-bombs the shot! Erica with Hollis and Peyton

The fringe benefits of being a member of the PTA are overwhelming.  New friendships and a sense of kinship are fostered, letting us all know we're not alone in this thing called "child rearing..."  Being a member does not mean attending every meeting or volunteering at every event.  It could mean lending some muscle and 30 minutes of time to move tables at our Shop-Till-U-Drop Craft fair.  Or staying after a dance to help clean-up the gym.  Perhaps you are a webmaster.  One member is a yogi, and gifted our staff with a yoga class during Teacher Appreciation week.  No matter what level of volunteering you can bring, know that it makes a huge difference.  We wish you a great school year! - please do email or reach us on Facebook with any further questions.

Lorna Ryan, Woolwich Central PTA