Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Meeting Minutes from March 2015

Here are minutes from our March meeting: Going strong! Write us anytime at woolwichptc@yahoo.com.  Thank you for all your support!

Meeting Minutes-Woolwich Central PTA

March 12 2015

In attendance-Lorna, Jason, Sarah, Debbie, Lanie, Beth, Kristen, Dena, Amy

Meeting Called to order-6:05

PTA Stickers passed out.  To assist custodian, please try to remove if you see them anywhere they should not be.

Approval of February Minutes-forgot to mention Pre-k family night
and the possibility of having a dance for middle school.  Accept minute adjustment.  All in favor

For future meetings, put business/action agenda items at the end of meeting.  All agreed

Cyber Safety- Brainstorming on content, format, dates, etc.
Date?  April, May or June
Audience-?  kids? or just parents.
Sagadahoc Sheriff Dept. willing to come. Can share problems they see and struggles. Deferred to crime lab in Augusta if the case is severe.  Special Agent with Maine Computer Crime Lab had info - possible power point presentation and cases. (9 year old, free access, pics all over the internet) Laws not keeping up with technology-No age discrimination on charges.  Have to focus on intent of picture.  Give Panel Questions ahead of time.  Ask for statistics. Methods for open dialogue with our kids parents can use at home.

 RSU 1 Technology Director can speak to MLTI Ipad policy and use –Effectiveness of firewall etc.  Community Educator from SASMM (Sexual Assault Services of Midcoast Maine)  Good resource from Mrs. Buchan.
-proposed panel of people Q & A?
-set presentation?
-open it up to the entire RSU 1?
-pro-active positive approach-try not to shock and awe
-what parents can do at home- how to filter and what to filter-how to put blocks. Youtube
-Knowledge on what is going on today and how to have a conversation for future things coming up.  How to deal.  Digital footprint-education on what goes on there (web servers), stays on there.
-Provide child care. ?  Good way to let parents know that it will be adult content.  BRCTC provide child care?
-8th grader with parent chaperone?
No Charge!

Treasurers Report  Checking account Balance XXXXXXX
December Book Fair Paid
Box Tops-check coming in from box tops 715.50

K-Wolf Neck to be paid
4-State House Trip
4-Chop Point bus

5th grade tabled because of cost.  Asking $500 but was $670.  Follow up to be sure we approve correct amount.
6th grade-$500 for Mt. Blue-touch base with teachers on what is needed for funds

Box Tops-Race Car-first week of May

Dena-Arrowsic Town Hall Box Tops

Stacey- SQUARE ART-April 6th the book will go home with your child’s artwork.  April 14th collect orders.  You can order online shipped on the 17th   May 7th items are ready
Art work about done.   Art room fundraiser put on by PTA

BookFair Dena will shadow Karen on running April Book Fair.  Most likely will be willing to take over but will at least be able to know how it is run.   BOGO

FAN NIGHT-Books using Scholastic Dollars.  Will put in a basket and do a free raffle.   2 Bikes.  Wellness basket. Dena will put together basket.

Carafe of coffee for FAN

Motion to buy 6ft tablecloth with WCS logo for $45.00. Vote-all in favor.

Kristen-check on Gelato Fundraiser

Meeting adjourned-7:20