Woolwich Central School PTA
Minutes of March 17, 2016
Meeting was called to order at 6:05pm – Lorna took minutes,
as Kristen
was unable to attend.
February minutes were voted as APPROVED
Treasurer's report of checkbook balances ending in February can be requested from woolwichptc@yahoo.com. Expenses paid in February
were $120.94 for the Rocky Ridge field trip for K. $98.75 for transportation of
6th grade to Bowdoin College and $220.94 for 4th Grade to
Bay Day. All expenses were approved in
prior meetings.
Members went over the timeline of upcoming events.
RSU #1 5th Grade dance- scheduled for May
20. Romy offered to re-design the
LOGO. Membership discussed costs for T’s
last year. All agreed Woolwich should
have a T, we will stay in touch with Bath PTA over costs of T’s for this year.
PTA parent/caregiver survey was discussed. Lorna advised Mr. Libby had approved the
survey. Membership discussed having them
at FAN, and other suggestions included having them available at parent-teacher
conferences in April. Lorna will get
approval from Mr. Libby. Dena will
re-format to make form more user-friendly/graphically pleasing.
Sub-committee appointments:
-Recruitment/membership. Given some members who where interested in
this committee earlier were not present, appointment to this committee was
Fund/Budget: Mona, Stacy and Lorna agreed to serve this committee.
Other reports:
-Box tops –
WCS PTA will receive $875.00 for the April disbursement. $10 scholastic dollars will be donated for a
winning class for future race. YMCA day passes will also be considered (YMCA
had already agreed to donating one for each member of winning class)
Smile – to date, WCS has received -$0.
We need to research why/when checks are sent and where.
-Clynk has
over $60 in WCS PTA Fund.
-Logo wear–
there was brief discussion on placing another order. Membership decided to wait until Fall
2016. Leslie Gallant showed interest in
being chair for this for next year.
Fiasco – set for April 12. Flyers will
go home with students at FAN, and in the backpacks the week prior.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:20pm.