Monday, September 15, 2008

PTC Meeting - September 11, 2008

We would like to thank everyone who attended our first meeting of the year! What a great turnout!

Since we had so many new parents in attendance, we spent a fair amount of time describing what the PTC's role has been, what fundraisers we have held and general procedures we follow.

We also discussed the following projects/ideas:

1) Scholastic Bookfair - Our first bookfair will be held during school hours 9/15/08 - 9/19/08. The PTC makes no money on this, instead we offer our percentage as a discount percentage for students to be able to purchase reduced priced books. For this bookfair all books are 30% off the retail price. We hope this will enable more students to enjoy more books than they might otherwise have access to. The PTC also give each teacher $25.00 towards their purchases for classroom books. We also normally give the Library $100.00 for purchases, however, we voted to give $300.00 for this bookfair. A sign up sheet of parents to volunteer time to "work" the bookfair is located at the Front Office of the school. Thanks to all who are able to help!

2) Great American Catalog - Our catalog fundraiser will begin 10/27/08 for two weeks. Our profit is 50% of all prices listed in the catalog. This is a new company that we have not used before. We have a local representative, which will be very helpful. The catalog was passed around for everyone to view.

3) BoxTops For Education - Michelle Rines discussed how the program works and last year we made approximately $1200.00 from tops turned in. She is gong to work on updating our collection box at the Woolwich Town Hall.

4) Campbell's Soup Labels - Jen Brown discussed the benefits of these labels. In the past, we have not had an organized effort to collect these labels. She has taken on organizing this program and more information will be available in the coming weeks.

5) Share Center - A center located in Lewiston and Topsham where, once you are a member, schools can go and pick out unlimited supplies, FOR FREE, to use. Laura Devin has requested the PTC fund the membership, which should cost approximately $400.00. She will forward more information as she receives it.

6) Readathon or Spellathon - we discussed the possibility of sponsoring a reading or spelling marathon. Jen Brown is going to investigate what teachers interest level of involvement is and explore the idea further.

7) Can Tab Fundraising - We discussed the fundraising thru collecting can tabs. Kelly Holbrook suggested we possibly find a local charity or one that is somehow connected with WCS. Tabs are collected and turned in for money and would be a great way to give back to our community.

Once again, a HUGE thanks to all for your help and support!

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