Thursday, April 12, 2012

Meeting MInutes - March 13, 2012


Woolwich PTA

Meeting March 13, 2012

Meeting called to order by Karen at 6:11 PM


Bookfair: Needed $2000 in sales this time to keep the size bookfair that we are allowed to have because sales have been down; don’t have final numbers, but we seem to be ok this time.

· Need to begin thinking about someone to take over the bookfair because Stefanie will be gone after next year: Rachel M??.

· A few years ago we added a fourth bookfair per year; we should cut back to having only three: beginning of the year, December and May.

· There was a small complaint about the bookfair not being fair to all students; however this person was not aware of all of the books and discounts that the PTA gives out.

Ø We do want to be thinking of new/creative ways to give books to low income students before the May bookfair arrives. Possible a “Book Fairy” that gives books to students for good deeds (get names from Mrs. Lane).

Ø At the April meeting we would like to have some ideas about also meeting the needs of some of the RTI and Title One students per a request from Roz. We would like to get a book in to the hands of each of these students (approx. 80) at the May bookfair.

* Possibly host a breakfast in May; invite parents to join these students and each will receive a free book.

· We do better with bookfair when parents attend. Need to coordinate an event for the May bookfair. Will be the week of May 1st which is the same week as the Art Fair

Cabin Fever Reliever Dance: Tracy & Karen

· Flyers went out to classrooms

· New date March 30th

Ø Karen won’t be here; Tracy to manage and Alaine to assist.

Ø Kristen will get iPod ready with music; speak to Deb O.

Ø A fair amount of items have come in from each class except for 7th grade.

Ø All money for 7th grade basket to go to their DC account; all money for 6th grade basket to go to their Mt. Blue account.

Ø Decorations/Theme: Hawaiian Luau: lights & leis

Ø Price $5 per family

Ø Karen to put in newsletter and specifically address chaperone issues that came up at last dance.

Ø Games: Limbo (need broom) and 2-3 other stations. Chuck-a-Duck if we can locate ducks (talk to Sherri Simmons).

Ø Snacks: Stef to coordinate; pretzels and pink lemonade. Be sure to buy plenty of cups.

Boxtops: Race to begin March 19th and run through the end of May. Would like to get a different local driver this year; possibly James Osmond.

Ink Cartridges: We have a $10 credit that needs to be used before it expires on 3/31/12; use it to purchase supplies for back to school bags.


Crop-n-Shop: the event held in September was a success; can we hold another to coordinate with the bookfair in May? May 5th is the spaghetti supper, so we will need to hold it on April 28th; Jen P to organize.

Blankets & T-Shirts Fundraisers: possibly coordinate this with new school opening.

· Have kids design and hold contest to select a winner.

· Can we have ready in time to sell at May events?

· Need to get Laura Devin involved.

Meeting adjourned 7:27 PM

Next meeting April 12, 2012.

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