There is much to report over the three weeks since our last post. The WCS PTA Close Buy Fundraiser is complete. While the company is still tallying our paper order sales, early projections are that the the event was a great success. Many, many thanks to all who participated. Orders are due to be delivered the first week in December, and we welcome any feedback as we put this fundraiser in the pipeline for next Fall.
We held our October meeting last Thursday. We were happy to see the return of new members and pleasantly surprised to have two of our teachers attend to personally present their financial request forms for needs for their classes. Our minutes are being typed and will be posted soon.
Though Autumn is far from over, we are well under way for our Shop Till You Drop Craft Fair. Vendor sign-up has doubled since last month. December 6 is sure to be a festive day for the community.
The book fair will also be returning, planned for that week preceding the Craft Fair. Children from the winning classes from the latest Box Top race will get gift certificates as a reward; and the PTA has some other surprises up their sleeves to ensure that all our students have an opportunity to purchase their own book. Teachers will continue to be able to purchase books for the classroom as well.
We have had a changing of the guards for our Vice President, and are so pleased that Deb Ouimette has agreed to take the seat. Deb is well-known for her infectious smile and high energy and it seems so right that after many years and countless hours volunteering, she will be co-navigating the PTA for the rest of the year. It's fair to say that so much of what the PTA's warm image has become is a direct result of something Deb has contributed.
Thank you to Stacey, and WCS Lifeskills students who, (as part of their community jobs project,) continued to collect, count and submit the Box Top labels, along with Labels for Education. She has also ensured that a new round of Woolwich Central School Logo apparel can be ordered and has been busy collecting and placing orders.
We are happy that Woolwich PTA will be assisting Rosalie Perkins, coordinator of the PreK program for the RSU, and her teachers, in a family night about phonological awareness to take place in January. PTA member involvement will include a Read to Me activity, and other activities designed to assist parents in engaging with their children at home. Research has proven that family involvement is important for young children's literacy and math skills, and our district has been a state leader in the public Prek program. Those details will continue to develop in the next few months.
We endeavor to encourage involvement or knowledge of happenings within RSU#1. The speculation of the West Bath withdrawal is narrowing as some important public meetings present themselves in the near future, which will lead to a vote in West Bath some time in January.
Make a note that there will be a public hearing October 22 at 6:00pm at the West Bath school to discuss the merits of the proposed agreement to leave the district. While not inclusive, the most common areas of concern evident at recent meetings seem to be early financial projections to the RSU should the withdrawal take place, (and subsequent effect on each town's local contribution) and the distribution of school choice students who currently attend West Bath school.
The PTA takes no position on this issue, other than to encourage those who have interest to take opportunity for any meetings and information available on the RSU#1 website to learn the details. And while the RSU#1 School Board is holding this meeting, ultimately, the decision will be up to the West Bath voters, as it was West Bath that voted to explore this withdrawal process. Should there be a vote to withdraw, it will be effective June 30, 2015. Refer to the RSU#1 website, or contact Central Office, for any questions about information that is available.
As you can see, we've had a busy month, and any level of time that parents and caregivers can lend is always appreciated. Perhaps a meeting. Perhaps lending a hand setting up tables at the Shop Till You Drop Craft Fair, or even attending an RSU meeting are all examples of ways to be in tune to Woolwich Central. Call or write us at, and if you have not done so already, sign up for automatic email updates on this blog. Happy October and thank you for your time to read our post!
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