Thursday, January 28, 2016

Meeting Minutes December 2015

Meeting Minutes-Woolwich PTA

Holiday Social-December 10, 2015
Meeting at Lorna’s home:
In Attendance-Molly (Casco Bay Glass on Nequasset Road-New WCS Family), Dena, Romy, Alane,
Debbie, Amy, Sarah, Lorna, Stacey & Kristen )

A brief business meeting was held:

STUD-(Shop-Till-You-Drop Craft Fair) Group discussed providing food for vendors next year. Possibly approach the 6th grade to do
this? Goody Walk was successful bringing in $705.

Treasurers Report- For Account Balance please email the PTA at

Molly told us that in her children’s prior school they had a "Popcorn Friday" fundraising event where kids pay ahead of time to take a sealed bag of popcorn home at the end of the day
Concerns...will would bags stay sealed on bus?  Fresh idea we can research.

There were no financial requests to authorize.

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