Friday, April 13, 2012

Meeting Minutes - April 12, 2012


Woolwich PTA

Meeting April 12, 2012

Meeting called to order by Karen at 6:05 PM


Bookfair: New dates May 3-May 16

· Buy One Get One Free not 50% off

· Christa to post on local TV stations

· Plan to meet the needs raised by Roz (discussed at last meeting) for RTI and Title One students:

Ø Will be approx. 50 students

Ø Breakfast to be held May 9th at 8:30am (late start Wednesday)

* We will create and distribute ‘coupons’ for students

* The intention is that parents will attend with their child

* PTA to donate juice and paper products

Crop-n-Shop: Need to move date to May 6th to coordinate with the bookfair.

· Jen P to contact vendors and scrapbookers with changes.

· Christa S to post on local TV stations

· Karen M suggested posting a flyer at Joann Fabrics; Jen P to look in to.

Cabin Fever Reliever Dance: Raised $511.00 (approx. $50 was raised by each of the 6th and 7th grade baskets and will be donated to their respective fundraising accounts)

· One student broke her elbow while running during the dance. Tracy followed up with a call later that night. Karen spoke with Tom Soule about the matter and to discuss the general chaos of the dances.

· Dance issues will be discussed again next year before we schedule another one.

Ø Notices/Flyers will be distributed regarding parents chaperoning their own children, safety, etc.

Ø Tom Soule may attend next year’s dances as a means of settling the students down.

Ø We will discuss more organized activities, and bringing back a DJ to keep kids focused and not running around.

· Admission and Raffles were set up in the hallway which worked well and also served to address the bathroom issues raised at the last dance.

Boxtops: Race began March 19th and we have already collected over 3000 boxtops.

· A submission will be made at the end of the race due to a significant number of boxtops collected expiring in June.

Ink Cartridges:

· We had a $50 credit at Staples; Tracy bought $46 in supplies for next year’s back to school bags for teachers (pencils, red pens, post-it notes).

· Another 10 cartridges were just dropped off and the $4 remaining in our account will roll over for 30 days.


· A check for $64 should be arriving any day.

· Kristen C just made another submission.


Funding Requests:

· Beth Harrington: request for $181 for BAM day. $100 of which is for use of rock wall at the YMCA and $81 for transportation to the Boothbay Botanical Gardens. Will benefit 50 students.

Ø Vote: All in favor: Approved

· Tom Soule: $1000 as start of funding to bring back the soccer program to WCS which was recently cut by RSU1.

Ø Full cost of program is $4,500 (includes ½ Athletic Director position, coach stipends, transportation, and field maintenance) Will benefit approx. 45 students between a boys team and a girls team.

Ø WJA/Sherri S is also expected to assist in fundraising for this program.

Ø Pay to Play has been discussed, but is not currently being considered.

Ø Tracy S spoke with the Davenport Foundation about available grants; was directed to Maine Philanthropy. Christa S to assist with grant writing.

Ø Vote: to donate $1000, with the understanding that if the remaining funds are not able to be raised and the program is not reinstated that the PTA will retract the funds: All in favor: Approved.

Bylaws: recently reviewed by Maine PTA; okayed with one exception.

· Treasurer duties must include an annual audit by two people who will report the findings at the first meeting of the year. Therefore audit must occur in July/August.

· Lisa T and Danielle N volunteer to be the auditors.

· Vote: Amendment to Bylaws: All in favor: Approved

Treasurer Report: currently have $12,330.00 in account

Genevieves Fundraiser: our biggest fundraiser of the year, we receive 50% of profits.

· Have we looked into a similar fundraiser that provides goods from Maine businesses? Has been successful in other schools. Karen to request information; to be discussed further at next meeting.

Teacher Appreciation Week: May 7-11

· Generally something different every day.

· Karen to ask Tom Soule if the teachers are in need of anything in particular and to email PTA members for donations.

· Karen will also check into the possibility of us hosting a full breakfast on late start Wednesday May 9th.

· Finger foods, chocolate dipped pretzels on other days.

Book Swap: to be held Friday June 8th, will set-up on Thursday the 7th during the school day.

· Deb O to put blurb in newsletter and pass out flyers after vacation, as well as notify local daycares about the option to fill a bag for a flat rate.

Business Cards: Karen to order (possibly Vistaprint)

· Will include PTA website, blogspot, contact info, etc.

Modern Woodman: Deb O and Alaine L are involved and are hosting a volunteer event on May 5th to clean up the grounds at the new school from 7:30-8:30am.

Fresh Air Fund: Danielle N provided information.

· This is a program that brings inner city, disadvantaged youth to the East Coast for a week or two at a time; ages 6-12 years; live with host families.

· Jane C will be doing a presentation at our next meeting to raise awareness about this project.

· We will publicize this before the next meeting to attract new attendees.

Bookfair Scheduling: in the past month the issue was raised to go back to paper scheduling; however the decision was made to continue with online scheduling.

· If someone does not have internet access and wants to volunteer they can contact Stefanie McE or Karen and they will volunteer in the available spot to reserve the space.

· Karen to check into conflicts with PE classes for the May bookfair.

Meeting adjourned 7:25 PM

Next meeting May 10, 2012.

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