Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December Meeting

The next PTA meeting will be held on Thursday, December 13th at 6:00pm at WCS. We would love to see new friends and welcome new ideas, so please consider attending even if you have never have before. We hope that you will join us!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Volunteers Needed

Please contact us if you are interested in donating some of your time. And as always we welcome you to join us for all PTA events and meetings :) we love new faces and fresh ideas!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

November Meeting

Reminder that the next PTA meeting will be held on Thursday, November 8th at 6:00pm, at WCS. We would love to see new friends and welcome new ideas, so please consider attending even if you have never have before. 
We hope that you will join us!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Meeting Minutes October 11, 2012


Woolwich PTA

Meeting October 11, 2012

Meeting called to order at 6:02PM


Field trip to Bowdoin for grades 4-5 was $61.82 over. They had under-estimated transportation cost.

VOTE to pay overage: all in favor: Approved


Box Tops- 1800 have been counted. 

Stacey will ask Betsy to do announcement of the top three classes to get the kids excited to bring them in.

Bath Sweet Shop Candy Fundraiser- Jennifer talked to the owner about a fundraiser that Bath PTA participates in that has been very successful.

·         They discussed doing a February candy sale but the owner suggested Easter as a better time especially for parents buying Easter goodies.

·         The PTA gets a 50% profit from sales. Bath PTA made $2000 last year.

·         They reviewed the order form.  It can be adjusted to fit what we want on the form and our school logo can be put on the wrappers.

Jennifer, Danielle & Karen will meet with Tom this month to get the stamp of approval. We will revisit at next month’s meeting.

Shop ‘Til You Drop Craft Fair

·         Karen has secured 40 8ft tables through Dave Richards at the RSU 1 which will save money. We can also utilize the cafeteria tables at Woolwich.

·         Karen has 25 crafters confirmed and paid and has many more lined up.

·         We will have a goodie walk and possibly add chowder and hotdogs.

·         Stacey mentioned that other fairs are going on the same day.  She thought we could offer a coffee punch card for customers who are traveling from fair to fair to get them interested in coming.

Merchandise- Orders are coming in for the following items;

-Translucent Blue 26oz water bottles

-Embroidered shirts and sweatshirts from Mainely Embroidery

-Fleece Stadium blankets with straps

Karen stated that we will plan on placing orders every other month depending on interest.

2011 T-shirts

Beth Whitney wrote the PTA to let us know that she has 23 assorted size t-shirts left from last year.  She wanted our help selling them at $8 each to make money to go towards an electronic sign for in front of school. We will sell them at Shop Till You Drop.

Pure Art

Need Volunteers to tally orders as well as to put Genevieve fundraiser packets together.  Jen or Danielle will post a sign-up sheet online.


 The catalogs are set to go home with students on Oct. 19.  Jennifer will put the packets together and deliver to the classroom teachers.  The order forms need to be returned by Nov. 2.

Funding Requests-

Mrs. Pols and Mrs. Vice have requested $300 for the Chewonki Bugmobile. (request to parents also went out asking for donations)

VOTE: all in favor: Approved

Southern Maine Math League-The 7-8th grade math team has requested $250 to cover registration for four math meets. 


·         Do we have a policy for extra-curricular activity funding?

·         There are not many academic extra-curricular activities.

·         Can we ask the parents of math team participants to contribute what they can to offset some of the cost.

VOTE: all in favor: Approved (stipulating that parents will be asked to make a small donation if possible)

Pasta Fundraiser

Jennifer brought some samples for us to look at for a pasta fundraiser to be held tentativeley for January or February.   The profit is 40-50% based on the size of the order.  They have every imaginable shape of pasta including sports teams. They also have some soup starters as well as gluten free options.

Wellness Committee

Lorna  updated us on Wellness committee news.

·         Walk to school day with field day to follow.  Volunteers needed.

Audit- We need two volunteers to review treasurer’s book-keeping. Lisa and Lorna volunteered.

Meeting adjourned 7:08PM

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Meeting Minutes September 13, 2012


Woolwich PTA Meeting September 13, 2012

Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM



FYI: approved at last meeting: funding for the Nutrikids Program for the kitchen

Boxtops: Totals for last year over $xxxx.

  • Explanation of clipping from product packages and online program
  • Need to get a drive going soon
  • Stacey C. willing to take over as coordinator for Jennifer P.
Bookfair: going on now, let Stefanie M. know if you would like to take a shift

  • No money to teachers this time because of gift certificates that we are handing out for summer math packets
Genevieve’s: Selling dates will be Oct 22-Nov 2. Catalogs arrive October 15th

  • Delivery will be Dec 3.
  • We make a 50% profit if our sales are over $3500
Terracycle: Kristen C. to continue collecting this year, but has not gotten around to classrooms yet.

Ink: Tracy S. to continue this year (including cell phone collection)

  • Just placed a collection box in the school entryway
  • We have a number of cartridges to keep bringing in to Staples and money accumulating in that account.
Gift Certificates: last year we gave gift certificates in appreciation of xxxxx xxxxx and xxxxx xxxx. We received a thank you, which was passed around to all in attendance.

Blog: reminder to add your email at the bottom of the blog page to be sure to receive PTA updates


Funding Request: Culley/Emerson/Moran for $150 for a field trip to the Bowdoin College Museum of Art and Perry McMillan Museum.

Vote: unanimous: approved

Pure Art: program will be K-6 this year and optional for 7-8 grades.

  • 50% profit to Art program/Mrs. Devin
  • No dates set yet
  • If 7-8 grade participate, money earned will go towards DC accounts
Wellness Committee: Nurse Sherwood has asked for a PTA representative to join the Wellness Committee which meets approx. four times a year. Lorna R. volunteered.

Spooktacular Dance: possibly to be held Oct 26 in cafeteria or (tarped) gym. Any volunteers to organize?

  • Leads to discussion about the need for volunteers and the amount of time that we each have to donate to these events. We will only do what we can do.
Ø Some hesitation about hosting/organizing the dance stem from injuries and parent concerns.

Ø Lengthy discussion about these issues…tabled for now…Spooktacular Dance will not be held but we may discuss holding a different event in November.

Shop Til U Drop: scheduled for Dec 1st in cafeteria and gym

  • Vendors already signing up, has been advertised on Craigslist
  • PTA parents and teachers are welcome to a free table space
  • Will include a goodie walk again
Target: we won a total of $450 through voting on Facebook this summer, money has not arrived yet.

Chocolate Fundraiser: Bath Sweet Shoppe

  • Last year the Bath PTA made a significant amount of money by partnering with the Bath Sweet Shoppe and holding a chocolate sale over Easter/Passover.
Ø Great opportunity to support a local business and raise funds for PTA

Ø This came under much scrutiny by the Wellness Committee

Ø Karen M. attended a meeting this summer with all the local PTA presidents and Superintendent Patrick Manuel. There was a discussion about the need for continuity across the RSU. It was decided that this fundraiser did not violate the wellness policy.

  • Do we want to hold a similar fundraiser?
Ø We would make approx. 50% profit

Ø Can we hold over Valentine’s Day?

Ø Decision to look into more and discuss at next meeting.

Last Year BOARD Positions: Karen M. resigned as President at end of last year

  • Vice President: Tracy S.: stepping down
  • Treasurer: Stefanie M.: staying on for the year
Ø Rachel M. being trained to take over bookfair
Ø Stacey C. offered to help with bookkeeping

  • Secretary: Jennifer P.: stepping down
  • Discussion about positions: need four Board Members/Officers for voting. Does not need to be the same configuration of last year. There is the option to eliminate the Vice President position and make the President position a co-chair.

New BOARD positions:

  • Secretary: Kristen C.
Vote: unanimous: approved

  • Treasurer: Stefanie M.
Vote: unanimous: approved

  • Vice President: position eliminated
  • President Co-Chairs: Danielle N. and Jennifer P.
Vote: unanimous: approved

Boosters: in need of volunteer parents to man the concession stand at home games.

Discussion about meeting day/time: in an effort to get more parents to attend should we change the day of the week or the time of the meeting. It is decided to keep the meetings on a weekday evening because it has always worked well and is better for all those in attendance.

Logo Items Sales: decided to have one pattern, small emblem, yellow on blue.

  • T-shirts (long and short sleeved)
  • Hoodies
  • Blankets
  • Water Bottles (will be clear instead of blue)
Meeting adjourned 7:05 PM

Next meeting will be October 11, 2012.

Meeting Minutes June 11, 2012


Woolwich PTA                       Meeting June 11, 2012

Meeting called to order at 6:07 PM


Boxtops:  Total submitted at this time for the 2011-2012 school year is $2,374.98.  Just submitted another $971.60 that will count towards next year’s totals.

Bookfair: Schedule as follows:

Sept 13-21                   Nov 19-30

April 8-16                    May 18-25

  • Need to be sure September bookfair coincides with Fall Crop-n-Shop (Sept 22?)
  • Need to be sure November bookfair coincides with STUD (Dec 1?)
Genevieves:  contract has been signed.  Selling dates will be Oct 22-Nov 2.  Tally orders Nov 5, delivery will be Dec 3.


Family Fun Night (hosted at Woodside School in Topsham): can we use as an idea for a future fundraiser?

  • $3 admission, $3 meal tickets, raffles
  • Many games, bouncy house, batting cage, bowling, Sparks Ark, duck races
  • Booths set up and donated by 4-H, Lowes, Home Depot
8th Grade Recognition Night: Karen M. to present two awards from PTA

Treasury Report: approx. $xxxx in account

  • Only outstanding checks are: Nutrikids Program and $xxx for 5th grade t-shirts
Broken Speaker: a speaker belonging to the Parsons was broken at the last dance

  • Do we want to replace it?  How much would it be?  Give a flat dollar amount?
  • Stefanie proposes $xxxx: Vote: all in favor: approved.  Karen M. to send out with card.
Meeting adjourned 7:27 PM

Next meeting will be first meeting of school year on the second Thursday of September.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Meeting Minutes May 10, 2012


Woolwich PTA
Meeting May 10, 2012

Meeting called to order at 6:03 PM


Staff Appreciation: received rave reviews; thank you to everyone.

·       Buy One Get One Free
·       Closed Friday afternoon, May 11 due to BAM day
·       Monday afternoon, May 14, needs to be covered: Alaine volunteered til 1:30, Deb O. from 1:30 til 3.
·       When working bookfair, keep in mind that there are lots of books in boxes that can be used to restock shelves.
·       No teacher money during this bookfair
·       Books coming in Monday will not be part of BOGO; they will be pure profit to PTA and specially priced.  Bar codes will be blacked out for pricing purposes.
·       Will be open during Art Show/Concert on Tuesday May 15.

RTI/Literacy Breakfast: May 9th at 8:30am (late start Wednesday)
·       Each child received a $5 gift cert to bookfair (approx. 80)
·       At least 60 people attended including parents (approx. 30-35 students)

Crop-n-Shop: cancelled; will reschedule for fall.

Boxtops:  Race began March 19th and we have already collected over 5400 boxtops, compared to 5600 last year.  Mrs. Sample’s class in the lead with over 1000.
·       Need to add note to newsletter about how they expire; two families mentioned to Karen that they are saving their boxtops for next year because they have no chance of winning.
·       No boxtops received from 6th grade; send email to them offering money for Mt Blue in exchange for all boxtops they turn in.
·       Just received check for $670.

Ink Cartridges: 
·       We have $24 in the Staples account now.  Just took in 10 more cartridges ($20).  Added another 10 ($20) to Tracy’s account; so we will have $64 by the end of the month.
·       Tracy will pick up supplies for back to school bags over the summer.


Funding Requests:
·       Pols/Vise need $320 (minus any family donations) for their Birds of Prey Chewonki Visit/Exhibition
VOTE: all in favor: APPROVED

Fall Fundraiser: need to sign a contract soon.  Bulk of our fundraising for the year.
·       Close By: all Maine made products.  All items over $12, up to $100s of dollars.  School earns 30%
·       Genevieves: has been our most successful fundraiser.  School earns 50%
·       Discussion:
Ø     Can we do both?  Doesn’t usually work, sales would be down for both.
Ø     Can we ask local Bath businesses? Can we do insert in Genevieves?  May cause issues (ie: Bath PTA sweet shoppe controversy)
Ø     It seems likely that students do better with sales of common/useful/low-price items (i.e. Genevieves)
Ø     Decision to stay with Genevieves.  Look at the Close By catalog and reconsider for next year.

Book Swap: Four weeks away.
·       Announcements/flyers have been going out.

Business Cards: Vistaprint
·       Includes PTA website, blogspot, facebook, contact info, etc.
·       Handed out at RTI breakfast and Kindergarten parent night.

Gift: xxxx xxxx has volunteered in the kitchen for years and has saved the school from having to hire an extra person.  Would like to purchase a gift card for her. 
Also need to purchase a gift for xxxx xxxx as a thank you for all that she does.
VOTE: all in favor: APPROVED

T-shirts: Being made for new school to be worn on 1st day; PTA will fund any for students that cannot afford to purchase them.

T-shirt Contest: fundraiser idea for next year, arrange for new vendor, get boxtops if Hanes brand.

Meeting adjourned 6:57 PM
Next meeting Monday June 11, 2012 at Montsweag Roadhouse for $5 burger night.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Meeting Minutes - April 12, 2012


Woolwich PTA

Meeting April 12, 2012

Meeting called to order by Karen at 6:05 PM


Bookfair: New dates May 3-May 16

· Buy One Get One Free not 50% off

· Christa to post on local TV stations

· Plan to meet the needs raised by Roz (discussed at last meeting) for RTI and Title One students:

Ø Will be approx. 50 students

Ø Breakfast to be held May 9th at 8:30am (late start Wednesday)

* We will create and distribute ‘coupons’ for students

* The intention is that parents will attend with their child

* PTA to donate juice and paper products

Crop-n-Shop: Need to move date to May 6th to coordinate with the bookfair.

· Jen P to contact vendors and scrapbookers with changes.

· Christa S to post on local TV stations

· Karen M suggested posting a flyer at Joann Fabrics; Jen P to look in to.

Cabin Fever Reliever Dance: Raised $511.00 (approx. $50 was raised by each of the 6th and 7th grade baskets and will be donated to their respective fundraising accounts)

· One student broke her elbow while running during the dance. Tracy followed up with a call later that night. Karen spoke with Tom Soule about the matter and to discuss the general chaos of the dances.

· Dance issues will be discussed again next year before we schedule another one.

Ø Notices/Flyers will be distributed regarding parents chaperoning their own children, safety, etc.

Ø Tom Soule may attend next year’s dances as a means of settling the students down.

Ø We will discuss more organized activities, and bringing back a DJ to keep kids focused and not running around.

· Admission and Raffles were set up in the hallway which worked well and also served to address the bathroom issues raised at the last dance.

Boxtops: Race began March 19th and we have already collected over 3000 boxtops.

· A submission will be made at the end of the race due to a significant number of boxtops collected expiring in June.

Ink Cartridges:

· We had a $50 credit at Staples; Tracy bought $46 in supplies for next year’s back to school bags for teachers (pencils, red pens, post-it notes).

· Another 10 cartridges were just dropped off and the $4 remaining in our account will roll over for 30 days.


· A check for $64 should be arriving any day.

· Kristen C just made another submission.


Funding Requests:

· Beth Harrington: request for $181 for BAM day. $100 of which is for use of rock wall at the YMCA and $81 for transportation to the Boothbay Botanical Gardens. Will benefit 50 students.

Ø Vote: All in favor: Approved

· Tom Soule: $1000 as start of funding to bring back the soccer program to WCS which was recently cut by RSU1.

Ø Full cost of program is $4,500 (includes ½ Athletic Director position, coach stipends, transportation, and field maintenance) Will benefit approx. 45 students between a boys team and a girls team.

Ø WJA/Sherri S is also expected to assist in fundraising for this program.

Ø Pay to Play has been discussed, but is not currently being considered.

Ø Tracy S spoke with the Davenport Foundation about available grants; was directed to Maine Philanthropy. Christa S to assist with grant writing.

Ø Vote: to donate $1000, with the understanding that if the remaining funds are not able to be raised and the program is not reinstated that the PTA will retract the funds: All in favor: Approved.

Bylaws: recently reviewed by Maine PTA; okayed with one exception.

· Treasurer duties must include an annual audit by two people who will report the findings at the first meeting of the year. Therefore audit must occur in July/August.

· Lisa T and Danielle N volunteer to be the auditors.

· Vote: Amendment to Bylaws: All in favor: Approved

Treasurer Report: currently have $12,330.00 in account

Genevieves Fundraiser: our biggest fundraiser of the year, we receive 50% of profits.

· Have we looked into a similar fundraiser that provides goods from Maine businesses? Has been successful in other schools. Karen to request information; to be discussed further at next meeting.

Teacher Appreciation Week: May 7-11

· Generally something different every day.

· Karen to ask Tom Soule if the teachers are in need of anything in particular and to email PTA members for donations.

· Karen will also check into the possibility of us hosting a full breakfast on late start Wednesday May 9th.

· Finger foods, chocolate dipped pretzels on other days.

Book Swap: to be held Friday June 8th, will set-up on Thursday the 7th during the school day.

· Deb O to put blurb in newsletter and pass out flyers after vacation, as well as notify local daycares about the option to fill a bag for a flat rate.

Business Cards: Karen to order (possibly Vistaprint)

· Will include PTA website, blogspot, contact info, etc.

Modern Woodman: Deb O and Alaine L are involved and are hosting a volunteer event on May 5th to clean up the grounds at the new school from 7:30-8:30am.

Fresh Air Fund: Danielle N provided information.

· This is a program that brings inner city, disadvantaged youth to the East Coast for a week or two at a time; ages 6-12 years; live with host families.

· Jane C will be doing a presentation at our next meeting to raise awareness about this project.

· We will publicize this before the next meeting to attract new attendees.

Bookfair Scheduling: in the past month the issue was raised to go back to paper scheduling; however the decision was made to continue with online scheduling.

· If someone does not have internet access and wants to volunteer they can contact Stefanie McE or Karen and they will volunteer in the available spot to reserve the space.

· Karen to check into conflicts with PE classes for the May bookfair.

Meeting adjourned 7:25 PM

Next meeting May 10, 2012.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Meeting MInutes - March 13, 2012


Woolwich PTA

Meeting March 13, 2012

Meeting called to order by Karen at 6:11 PM


Bookfair: Needed $2000 in sales this time to keep the size bookfair that we are allowed to have because sales have been down; don’t have final numbers, but we seem to be ok this time.

· Need to begin thinking about someone to take over the bookfair because Stefanie will be gone after next year: Rachel M??.

· A few years ago we added a fourth bookfair per year; we should cut back to having only three: beginning of the year, December and May.

· There was a small complaint about the bookfair not being fair to all students; however this person was not aware of all of the books and discounts that the PTA gives out.

Ø We do want to be thinking of new/creative ways to give books to low income students before the May bookfair arrives. Possible a “Book Fairy” that gives books to students for good deeds (get names from Mrs. Lane).

Ø At the April meeting we would like to have some ideas about also meeting the needs of some of the RTI and Title One students per a request from Roz. We would like to get a book in to the hands of each of these students (approx. 80) at the May bookfair.

* Possibly host a breakfast in May; invite parents to join these students and each will receive a free book.

· We do better with bookfair when parents attend. Need to coordinate an event for the May bookfair. Will be the week of May 1st which is the same week as the Art Fair

Cabin Fever Reliever Dance: Tracy & Karen

· Flyers went out to classrooms

· New date March 30th

Ø Karen won’t be here; Tracy to manage and Alaine to assist.

Ø Kristen will get iPod ready with music; speak to Deb O.

Ø A fair amount of items have come in from each class except for 7th grade.

Ø All money for 7th grade basket to go to their DC account; all money for 6th grade basket to go to their Mt. Blue account.

Ø Decorations/Theme: Hawaiian Luau: lights & leis

Ø Price $5 per family

Ø Karen to put in newsletter and specifically address chaperone issues that came up at last dance.

Ø Games: Limbo (need broom) and 2-3 other stations. Chuck-a-Duck if we can locate ducks (talk to Sherri Simmons).

Ø Snacks: Stef to coordinate; pretzels and pink lemonade. Be sure to buy plenty of cups.

Boxtops: Race to begin March 19th and run through the end of May. Would like to get a different local driver this year; possibly James Osmond.

Ink Cartridges: We have a $10 credit that needs to be used before it expires on 3/31/12; use it to purchase supplies for back to school bags.


Crop-n-Shop: the event held in September was a success; can we hold another to coordinate with the bookfair in May? May 5th is the spaghetti supper, so we will need to hold it on April 28th; Jen P to organize.

Blankets & T-Shirts Fundraisers: possibly coordinate this with new school opening.

· Have kids design and hold contest to select a winner.

· Can we have ready in time to sell at May events?

· Need to get Laura Devin involved.

Meeting adjourned 7:27 PM

Next meeting April 12, 2012.