Wednesday, November 17, 2010

MidCoast Parents Connect and a freebie!!

Midcoast Parents Connect has provided a link to a great online program for parents and how to handle teen drinking and really relates to over the counter drugs, as well as, prescription drugs. Read below how to win some free STUFF! It is a great program to watch!

Click Here: Parents Online Program

1. Under New User type: engage

2. Click "Sign Up"!

3. Create a user name and password for yourself

4. Click on "Parent's Cafe" to start the course!

Remember, if you get interrupted once you start the course you can logout and return when you have more time and the program will remember where you left off.

We are excited to have this new resource to offer to busy parents who need advice on how to talk to their teens about the risks associated with underage drinking.

At the end of the course parents are given the option of completing a commitment statement that serves to remind you of the steps you plan to take to help your teen make healthy choices about drinking. As a way of saying thank you for completing the course, we will award $10 gift certificates to Subway or Regal Cinemas to the first 20 parents who email a copy of their commitment statement to

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Genevieve Order to Arrive Friday, November 19th

FYI ... the Genevieve Wrapping Paper Catalog order is due to arrive this Friday, November 19th!! Thank you for all your support of our fundraising efforts!!

If you have Little Wildcats, please try to make arrangements to pick your Wildcat up at the end of school on Friday, as these BIG boxes are hard for them to maneuver on the buses!

Monday, November 15, 2010

RSU1 School Baord Meeting - Monday, Nov 15 @6pm - West Bath Elem

The RSU 1 administration is proposing a switch to standards-based grading from the 6th – 12th grade. We currently have this grading system until the 5th grade, but the plan is to extend this to 12th grade. The current scale is A+ to F- (......15 levels) for grades 6-12. This will be reduced to 4 levels (1-4) on a standards-based report card. If you’d like to have a voice on this topic before the School Board votes, please consider attending this meeting.

Hall-Dale School (RSU 2) switched to this report card. 140 parents signed a petition against it, but it made no difference. They are now finding that the 1-4 scale doesn’t have enough levels. The Superintendent of Schools in Yarmouth also proposed this through 12th grade, but the Yarmouth Board recently voted it down due to the objections of parents. Nancy Harriman will be presenting on the elementary report card at tomorrow’s meeting.

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