Friday, November 6, 2015

Meeting Minutes October 8, 2015

Here are Minutes from our October Meeting:  For a hard-copy of minutes with account balances, contact the PTA at
Meeting Minutes-Woolwich PTA October 8, 2015
                                                                              Meeting called to order-6:05PM
In attendance-Mona, Leslie, Dena, Romy, Leanne, Melissa, Kristen, Alane, Deb, Stacey, Erica, Sarah, Amy, Lorna.
Close Buy Sales- As of Oct. 4, our online sales were around $4200.  This is down 40% from last year’s numbers.  The online ordering has been extended through the holidays with 20% of sales coming back to us.  Lorna will give feedback to Close Buy about the catalogue having less variety this year with the omission of the Winter Kid Pass and the Maine Magazines.  The online portal is no longer a feature, making it more difficult to track orders and running to Falmouth for catalogs and samples another step requiring volunteer time and gas etc.
We will all be brainstorming about other ideas for next year. KIVA.COM, Gift Card Fundraiser or return of Genevieve.  Amy will be looking into details on another Paint Night opportunity at a local restaurant – Melissa will look into Scripts.
Treasurers Report-
Our checking account balance is at XXXXXX.  We will be paying out money to Math Team, Maine PTA, Bug mobile and 7-8th grade Math team.
Funding Requests- The Civil Rights Team would like $285.00 to cover transportation costs for students to attend the Maine Civil Rights Training Program.  Mr. Beaton talked about what the Civil Rights team is and what they accomplished last year.  VOTE-ALL IN FAVOR-UNANIMOUS
Logo Wear- We will be doing the traditional logo wear order forms and Stacey has designed a long sleeve T-Shirt on  This is online only and will run for two weeks.  The shirt is $15.
Book Fair Update, Dena
A special thank you to all volunteers!

Fall 2015 Book Fair results
Total Gross Sales fall 2015 = 3,618.41
Total Gross Sales fall 2014 = 3,755.00
Very similar in total sales year over year.
34% of total sales were made the first day
24% of total scholastic dollars were redeemed the first day
Sales dipped drastically after day 4. Is our fair too long? Typical fair according to scholastic is 5 days, ours is 7.
Total scholastic dollars spent = $1,506.98 (total amount of new books in the hands of Wildcats)
Profit from sale was taken in the form of $1,809.21 scholastic dollars.
Next fair (December) we will take the profit in cash.

Lessons learned:
 - During open house set up two registers
 - Move book fair into Gym to avoid congestion? (Mrs. Harrington's suggestion)
Top selling books:
  1. A Night Divided
  2. Woof
  3. The House of the Scorpion
  4. Body in the Woods
  5. The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend

Shop Til U Drop Craft Fair- Romy
The Craft Fair will be held December 5 from 9-1.
  We currently have 23 requests and 7 confirmed and paid. 
The Fee is $20 per table $25 for table with electricity.
5 tables will be available for the 8th graders.
Kristen will get signage from Karen Madden
The fair will be advertised through Maine Street Bath
Spooktacular Dance-
The dance will be held Friday, October 30 from 6-8.
Deb will have 8 games set up to keep the kids occupied.
Prizes will be given for costumes, pumpkin carvings.
50/50 raffle
E-mail will be sent out looking for volunteers with a link to the volunteer site and a reminder and link to fill out volunteer paperwork for RSU 1.
Families attending will be asked to bring a food item for the Woolwich Backpack program.
Setup will begin on Friday at 2:15
Meeting adjourned- 7:15