Thursday, January 28, 2016

Meeting Minutes December 2015

Meeting Minutes-Woolwich PTA

Holiday Social-December 10, 2015
Meeting at Lorna’s home:
In Attendance-Molly (Casco Bay Glass on Nequasset Road-New WCS Family), Dena, Romy, Alane,
Debbie, Amy, Sarah, Lorna, Stacey & Kristen )

A brief business meeting was held:

STUD-(Shop-Till-You-Drop Craft Fair) Group discussed providing food for vendors next year. Possibly approach the 6th grade to do
this? Goody Walk was successful bringing in $705.

Treasurers Report- For Account Balance please email the PTA at

Molly told us that in her children’s prior school they had a "Popcorn Friday" fundraising event where kids pay ahead of time to take a sealed bag of popcorn home at the end of the day
Concerns...will would bags stay sealed on bus?  Fresh idea we can research.

There were no financial requests to authorize.

Meeting Minutes November 2015

Meeting Minutes-Woolwich PTA
November 12, 2015                                                                                              Meeting called to order-6:08PM
In Attendance- Dena, Carly, Melissa, Romy, Stacey, Lorna, Debbie, Alane, Amanda & Kristen
Treasurers Report-
For account balance, please email the PTA at
We have received $510.00 in checks for STUD and we have $225.00 additional coming in from vendors.
We have approx. $116.00 to be deposited for logo wear (ending tomorrow Nov. 13) and made $146.00 from sales of the t-shirts.
Shop Til U drop Craft Fair-
We have 53 Tables booked
33 paid vendors
10 -Teachers & PTA
10 - 8th graders
2- Tables for Book Fair
2- Tables for Goody Walk
Tables-Tables reserved with Taylor Rental.  Discussion- Should we find volunteers with pickup trucks to transport 30 tables from Brunswick to Woolwich or pay the fee to have Taylor Rental deliver and pick up? 30 tables @ $8 per table = $240 + delivery ($100)=$340   The majority feels that it will be hard to secure enough volunteers on Friday with pickup trucks to transport tables and that it will be worth it in the long run to have them delivered and picked up.  VOTE-ALL IN FAVOR OF FUNDING TABLE DELIVER CHARGE-UNANIMOUS
Volunteer Site will be set up and set-up will begin @ 4:00 on December 4th.
Raffles-We will fund the 3 fair punch card prize along with WBS PTO and Phippsburg PTA.  $33, $33 and $34 fir WCS PTA.  VOTE-All in favor of funding $34 to go towards raffle prize. UNANIMOUS
Dena has two Scholastic Book Fair T-Shirts to raffle off as well as Scholastic books. Possible Pie Raffle?
STUD will be featured in the Coastal Journal, Old Fashioned Christmas in Bath Pamphlet, Maine Street Bath Website and publications and on Craigslist.
Book Fair- (Separate report from Dena) we all agreed that Book Fair workers should still receive $25 gift certificates for books.  (No official vote, just discussion)
Grandparents Day- 200 grandparents are registered.  Volunteers are all set up for greeting, check in, navigation to classroom and food prep help.
Close Buy- Sales were down 30% form last year.  We will further discuss this in future meetings.   Possible Scripts gift card fundraiser?  Melissa will gather more info.
Spooktacular Dance- Huge success, no complaints.  Raised $800 for the backpack program plus all for the canned good donations.
Paint Nite- Amy checked with a rep from Paint Nite about a possible paint night fundraiser at the Montsweag Roadhouse.  She can do any Wednesday night.
December Meeting will be Thursday, December 10th.
Meeting adjourned- 7:05PM