Friday, August 28, 2009

First Meeting of 2009-2010...

Hard to believe that school started today! Hopefully all of the kids had a successful day!

Our first meeting is going to be a "Meet and Greet" on Wednesday, September 9th, 530pm at WCS. Our normal meetings will be held on the second Thursday of the month. Due to scheduling conflicts this months will be on Wednesday. This evening is also the WCS Open House and so we thought it might work if people were planning on coming to the school for the open house, they stop in first for a fast, casual meeting and then head to their child's classroom. Instead of having to come to the school two nights in the week. We will set up a table in the cafeteria to, hopefully, meet some new parents and also should be able to discuss a few items we have so far.

In addition, our first Scholastic Book Fair will start September 18th!!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns and I hope to see all of you soon!!

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