Friday, September 24, 2010

Meeting Minutes from Septemeber 23, 2010

Hi Everyone,

Wow wow wow ... it was exciting to see all the parents that came to our 1st PTC meeting of the 2010/2011 school year! It reminds me once again what a wonderful community and school we have that so many parents are interested in promoting and enhancing the education of our children! Without these parents and their willingness to help we would not be able to extend the learning opportunities of our students! THANK YOU! :)

Meeting Minutes
1) Discussed the activities of the PTC over the summer.

a)Harbour Towne Inn - a HUGE thank you to Stefanie M for hosting any staff member interested to an overnight stay at the Harbor Towne Inn in Boothbay. Unbelievable comments from staff on this offer and how this opportunity was one of a kind and unlike any at other schools!
b) Teacher Welcome Back bags - once again we provided every classroom teacher with a welcome back bag of goodies and supplies on the first day of school.
c) Water - the first two days of school where beyond hot and we bought and served every staff member an ice cold bottle of water during the second day of school.

2) T-Shirts - we have three new tshirts available at great new low pricing of $8 per shirt. Sweatshirts will be added this coming week.

3) Pure Art Fundraiser - this is a fundraiser which all profits go to the Art Dept at WCS. Last year, we were able to add $1600 to the Art Dept budget through this fundraiser. Students are working right now on their artwork and it will be sent home on 10/4/10.

4) Genevieve Wrapping Paper - we have decided to go back with this company this year and the sale will start 10/11/10 - 10/25/10 with delivery +/- Nov 15. They have offered us a HUGE grand prize to hand out.

5) S.T.U.D - otherwise known as Shop Til U Drop Craft Fair will most likely be held on Dec 4 in the Huse Cafeteria. Date is tentative. Karen M and Deb Y to co-chair this event.

6) Please make sure to change your old suscom emails and resubscribe at the bottom of this blog with new comcast addresses.

7) Discussed adding a fruit fundraiser during January 2011. Details still to be worked out.

8) Box Tops for Education - Michelle R is stepping down at chairperson and Kristen C, Katie S and Jennifer P will tri-chair this fund raising.

9) Spooktacular Costume Family Dance - tentative date of Friday, Oct 29 to be held at Huse Cafeteria 6-8p. Deb O and Sarah S to co-chair this event.

Thanks, once again, to all who attended! And if you did not attend, we hope you will consider attending our next meeting! We meet the second Thursday of every month at 6pm!

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