Monday, April 8, 2013

Meeting Minutes November 8, 2012

Meeting-November 8, 2012
Meeting called to order at 6:03.

Box Tops- Received a check for $1723.00 for box tops submitted.
Discussion- Winter drive involving a contest where each class has a string of lights and receives a light bulb for every 10 box tops collected.  Prize for the class with the most lights will be sleds and outdoor snow toys.

INK- We have earned 51.00 to Staples that will expire this month. Tracy will purchase paper to replenish Betsy's supply and buy items for the teacher bags that are given in the spring.

GENEVIEVE- Students sold $6669.35.  The PTA will receive $2137.23.  $273.53 will go towards the MT. Blue trip. 923.93 was earned by the 8th graders to be put towards the DC trip.  Four prizes were given to students who sold the most items.  The prizes were; an iPod, Red Claws tickets, a ride to school in a firetruck & a ride to school in a sheriff car.

PURE ART- A profit of $924.60 was made.  The K-5 sales were to be given to Mrs. Devin's art program.  The sales for grade 6 go towards the Mt. Blue trip & the 7-8th graders profits go towards the DC trip.
Halloween Dance- PTA members and office staff received some feedback from parents over their disappointment over the absence of the Halloween dance this year.   The PTA needs more volunteers to put on successful dances that keep the kids busy with activities while ensuring that they do not get hurt.  We would like to plan a Community Appreciation Night for January where we offer  game stations with Wii Dance games, Bingo and possibly a movie (pending Tom's approval).

Funding request-  Betsy and Mr. Soule are asking the PTA to fund a hydraulic door closer for the office.  The estimate submitted was in the amount of $410.00 (door part $360.00 & labor $50.00).  A discussion followed and we all agreed that Betsy is the glue that holds the school together and we want to keep her happy but would like to find out if there is a less expensive alternative and if we could find a parent to donate the labor.   Questions asked; Does this impact the kids?  Does it follow our mission statement for the PTA?

Funding request-Name plates for the entrance to all classrooms.  Jennifer did some research and found a company that will sell the name plate and bracket for 13.00 each if you provide a link to their web site on our PTA web site.   Questions brought up were; Is it a quality product?  How long will the link appear on our web site?  and are their any products sold from this site that we would not want to be associated with?  Jennifer has requested a sample for us to look at.  Tracy will check with Staples and see if we can use our credits to purchase the name plates through them.

Shop Till You Drop- Scheduled for December 1st. We will need set-up volunteers, early morning check in volunteers, volunteers to take down tables and clean up after the fair and volunteers to work the Book Fair.  Discussion about weather we should provide food for the vendors and patrons?  Could we have a food truck come?  Could we have the 7th grade provide the food?  Deb Y. will run the goody walk.  We will send out flyers asking for baked goods and snack donations for the walk. 

Maxine F. has a suggestion for the PTA that we hold a Holiday Shopping Exchange for the younger grades at school. This gives the kids a chance to feel proud to shop on their own and have a small wrapped present to present to family members.  We would collect donations of small items for the sale that would be sold from .25cents to $1.    We agreed that their is not enough time to put this together for this year.
VOTE: all in favor to table this item until September 2013.  Approved

Pasta Fundraiser-This will run from January 14-25.

Chocolate Fundraiser-This will run from March 4-15.  Chocolate can be picked up the Thursday night before Easter.

Cookbook Fundraiser-Jennifer had two samples of cookbooks for us to view.  Faculty and school Families submit their favorite recipe for us to compile a cookbook to be sold. The first 4 pages in the front can be about your school.  Student art work can be submitted for each category in the cookbook.  They will be sold for between $10 & $14 dollars. We are hoping to make $6 on each book sold.   Would like to have recipes collected and submitted in April for cookbook delivery near Mothers Day.  A form will be sent home with all students to fill out their recipe on.

A question was raised about the check in the amount of $1000.00 given to the Parson family for the purchase of a new sound system last Spring.  The Parsons returned the check and let us know that the speaker was already broken  before we borrowed it for our dance.

Meeting adjourned 7:15PM

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