Thursday, September 5, 2013

Meeting Minutes April 11, 2013

6:00 Meeting called to order

Old Business

BOXTOPS: 3500 received so far for this drive.

BLACK OUT CURTAINS: will be hung the week after vacation

SWEET SHOPPE FUNDRAISER: A total of $541.42 in sales, of which we receive 25%.  Mr. Emerson’s class won with the most sales and each student will receive a wildcat water bottle.

COOKBOOK: Vote on pictures to use for section dividers

New Business

1.       $80 for first grade for field trip transportation.  Vote: all in favor
2.       $275 for fourth grade field trip to museum in Augusta.  Vote: all in favor

ART SHOW:  Mrs. Devin needs help setting up and organizing for show on April 30th from 5-7pm.  Mr. Soule approves a variety of foods being donated by PTA members.

TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK:  May 6-10.  Volunteers selected days to donate food items, menu planned.  Ed expresses teacher appreciation for this event.

FALL FUNDRAISING:  Discussion about continuing the same fundraisers or changing it up.  Plan to contact Genevieves for info for October sale and discuss again in May.

BOOK SWAP: Happening June 7th, Deb  organizing and distributing flyers

SCHOOL ADVISORY GROUP:  Tom speaks about SAG meetings and invites attendance to the meeting on April 23rd at 6pm to discuss parking issues at WCS.

SCHOOL BOARD: Next meeting on budget scheduled for April 29th.  Jeane speaks encouraging parents to attend and join her is voicing the need for another 5th grade classroom teacher position at WCS.

GARELICK FARMS ART CONTEST:  Nathaniel brings this to our attention as a way to win money for the school.  Jen to forward info on to Mrs. Devin.

7:09 Meeting Adjourned.

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