Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October Minutes

Here are the October 9, 2014 minutes.  Due to the publicity of our blog, last names and some financial figures were omitted from this copy.  However, our secretary maintains a full copy, and any inquiries on further detail can be submitted to  These minutes will be reviewed for amendments and voted on in November.

Meeting Minutes-Woolwich PTA
October 9, 2014 6:04PM
In attendance- Lorna, Karen, Sarah, Kristen, Laura, Jason, Beth, Stacey, Alane, Debbie, Romy, Mona, Kyle & Dena.
Treasurers Report-
  • Sarah reported a balance of xxxxxxxxxx as of 8/29/2014 and xxxxxxx as of 9/30/2014
  • PTA Insurance and dues have been paid in the amount of $101.50.
  • We currently are fulfilling approximately xxxxxxxx in funding requests.
    Well over what we approved in the entire school year of 2013/14.
  • Vice President- Jeannie has had to step down as the vice president of the Woolwich PTA. She is extremely busy with her job, children, coaching and church and had to minimize her commitments.
  • Debbie has come forward to fill the position, those in attendance were asked if there was anyone else with interest. A motion was made to nominate Debbie as Vice President. Vote-All in Favor 
  • Tax Exempt Status-Lorna reported that because of an oversight in previous years, the 990n was not completed, and our 501C3 status was revoked. The appropriate paperwork has been submitted to the Internal Revenue Service along with a check in the amount of $400.00 to get us current. 
  • Close Buy Fundraiser- We had a total of $7483.30 in sales for Close Buy with paper orders still being tallied. This fundraiser was met with enthusiasm and the online promotions proved to be successful. Would like to get more feedback from parents and staff. Next year we would like to have the sample items on display a bit longer.
    Box Tops for Education- 
  • Stacey has coordinated with WCS Lifeskills students who, (as part of their community jobs project,) continue to collect,count and submit the Box Top labels, along with Labels for Education.
  • Terra Cycle- Kristen would like to include a drive for the GoGo squeeze applesauce waste along with the juice pouches. She will put a sign on receptacles alerting students that these can be recycled now. Terra Cycle offers .01cents per applesauce pouch with a minimum shipment of 120 accepted.
Funding Requests-
  • Laura asked the PTA for $100 seed money for an academic motivation/behavior modification pilot program for kids who have trouble with motivation in the classroom. She would like to purchase model car kits for these students. This would be a reward for good behavior and a motivation tool. It would also teach them 3D Art, Math and Chemistry.
    Vote-All in Favor to contribute $100. to Laura's project-
    Approved Laura would also like to put on our radar for the future that she is in need of bulletin boards in the hallways to display children's art.
  • Mr. Beeton and Mrs. Fisher are asking for $289.38 to cover transportation costs for a group of 10-15 7th & 8th graders to attend Civil Rights Training through the Maine Attorney General's Office in Augusta. This training would be for a Civil Rights Team that would raise awareness for bias based bullying and harassment in our society, school and involving current events. Mr. Libby and Mrs. Buchan will make this an age appropriate activity. Mr. Libby also see this as a way to keep our "Woolwich Way" going into the middle school grades. Mr. Beeton would like to guide the team in activities that would involve the entire school (no name calling week). Vote-All in favor of funding the transportation costs of $289.38. Approved
  • Mrs. Simpson is requesting $75-$100 to purchase hoops, balls & sidewalk chalk for the playground. Because of the amount of requests we need to measure to our mission, with an eye on our budget a motion was made to approve $50 for this cause. Vote-not enough votes to approve. Karen suggested someone approach the manager of Wal-Mart to donate these items. Mona (who's husband works for the distribution center) will contact Wal-Mart with our EIN# for the donations. 
  • Mrs. Harrington, Mrs. Emerson & Ms. Elwell have asked the PTA to approve $1000 for the creation of an A team and B team for WCS middle school basketball because of the projected number of kids wanting to play. This cost would cover the transportation for the extra boys and girls teams. Vote-Approved
  • Mrs. Pols & Mrs. Vice are requesting a total of $956.00 to cover the Fall and Spring "Birds of Prey" display presented by Chewonki ($303.00 X2) as well as a 1st and 2nd grade trip to Reid State Park in the Spring. Vote-Approved
  • Mrs. Buchan has requested $280.00 for transportation costs for the 7th graders to attend the National Guard Ropes Course that educates on drug awareness and promotes team building. Vote-Approved
  • Mr. Turner is requesting $250.00 to cover registration costs for the 7th & 8th grade Math Team. Vote-Approved
  • Mrs. Perkins, Pre-K coordinator is asking for our help with a Phonological Awareness Night slated for January 2015 for Pre-K families in the RSU. This is a parental outreach program that she would like us involved with. Possibly by helping her put together kits for families or helping with parent involvement. We will wait to hear specifically what we can do to help.

  • Note-The $300 approved in our September meeting to go towards the kick board was fulfilled through donations from local businesses.

  • STUD-Shop Till You Drop Craft Fair-
    Karen reported that she has 26 vendors confirmed. She has requested 50 tables from RSU 1 and was granted her request. She is still going to be ready to rent tables as historically all the tables are not available as the fair gets closer. Dena reported that the Arrowsic Fire Department is willing to loan us some tables if needed. 
  • Karen also requested a chairperson to handle the Goody Walk at the fair this year. This would involve finding 7th & 8th graders to help out at the table, create a flyer to send out announcing the event, soliciting for goody donations as well as coming up with a container for patrons to put their goodies in. Debbie volunteered to take on this task.
  • Book Fair-Karen has agreed to be an interim book fair chair for December but we are looking for a co-chair to help her manage it as this is her last year at WCS. This person would be someone who would like to take over the fair responsibilities next year. We also discussed that instead of giving our profit as a 25% discount at point-of-sale, we use the proceeds from the Book Fair to go towards more programs for the kids. We are still able to use our banked scholastic dollars (approx. $3000.00) to find ways of getting books into the hands of children who need them the most. We discussed the small but consistent issue of some theft of books and trinkets, and the fact the fair is in a high traffic area, and she suggested we purchase 8 padlocks with one master key for the book crates to keep them secure when the book fair is closed. (apparently the PTA did this in some past years) To assist volunteers, she has created a daily tally sheet to efficiently balance the register drawer at close of day. In our discussion we decided that we would like to bump the date of the fair to coincide better with STUD (end on day of STUD) and to limit the fair to just one week. In previous years it has run longer but lately it has been harder to staff with volunteers. Vote to bump dates of the book fair and limit it to one week-Approved
  • Logo Wear- Stacey reported approximately 25 WCS logo-wear orders with more to be picked up from the office.
  • Square Art- We will replace Pure Art with this company to offer more variety. Mrs. Devon was provided samples of the products, and guidelines for the artwork will work on art with students to be ready for fundraiser to go out in March and be ready for delivery around Mother's Day.
  • Amazon Smile- Dena would like to sign our school up for Amazon Smile which would contribute .5% of your Amazon purchases back to our school. The only marketing that is allowed for this program is digital marketing. Dena will handle getting us signed up.
  • Amending Bylaws- In a future meeting we will be amending our bylaws to state that the annual review of the books will be done prior to the end of the school year. Our fiscal year ends June 30 so we will endeavor to get all records ready including any payments and receipts documented prior to that time.

  • Meeting Adjourned-7:55PM 

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