Thursday, January 22, 2015

January 2015 meeting minutes

Here are the minutes recorded at our January 8 meeting.  Financial balances have been omitted in the online version, however, email the PTA at any time with questions at

Meeting Minutes-Woolwich PTA
January, 8 2015                                                                                                                                                           6:00
In attendance-Lorna, Sarah, Mona, Debbie, Alaine, Kristen, Beth, Stacey, Amy & Dena
Treasurers Report-
Sarah reported a balance of $XXXXXXXXXX as of November 28, 2014
STUD Fair brought in approximately-
·       915.00 Table rental
·       447.00 Goody Walk
·       617.00 Book Fair
Box Tops-Check received for $1273.10.
Bath Savings Institution-$25.00 for a customer opening an account and choosing WCS as their non-profit of choice.
Box Tops-This drive ends next Thursday. Stacey reported that the next drive will be for a visit from the Morse football team to visit and do a clinic/demonstration for the winning class. Last year Stacey provided snacks.
Family Literacy Night-
Lorna, Kristen, Allison, Jeannie & Mona attended a meeting at Dike-Newell  School to outreach and offer help with an upcoming Family Literacy Night to be held at Dike-Newell School on February 5th from 6:00 to 7:30.
Rosalie Perkins, RSU 1 Choices Program Director is planning this event for existing Choices students and families.  Tri-County Literacy Read With Me will have an area set up for read aloud to children.  Sharon Pyne will have a room for holding a mini Music Together activity and there will be a craft/art station as well as snacks. Rosalie would like volunteer helpers for this evening and possibly extra help when details and projected turnout is known.  The PTA plans to have a PTA info sheet in the take home packet for the students.
Square 1 Art- Mrs. Devin is beginning preparation to have all WCS students create a piece of art to be put on a number of fun items (coffee mugs, clothing, wall art, stationary, etc)  We will plan for the items to be delivered just before Mother’s Day.
Close Buy-We had no major issues with this fundraisers.  We had one order not received that was quickly shipped by Close Buy so the person got it in time for Christmas.  One person had an issue accessing their Winter Kid pass but it was easily solved.  We will review the catalog in the Spring and make a decision regarding using this company again next Fall.  We would like to get the display items for a longer period if possible.
Wellness- Weather conditions (freeze, snow, melt & slush) have prevented the ice rink opening.  Beth Harrington is hoping to have it flooded again and have it ready soon for a community opening.  Beth also received a grant from Fuel Up To Play in the amount $2750 that she plans to buy a smoothie machine and some playground material.
Bylaws-The PTA board will plan to go over the Bylaws and amendments to the bylaws which clarify timing of the annual audit. Membership will receive a copy of the proposed amendments for a vote at the February meeting.
Non-Profit Status-Dena and Lorna continue to check up with the IRS to see if we are recognized as being reinstated online.  This needs to show up online for Amazon to recognize us as a 501c3 organization to sign up for Amazon Smile program.  We know we are in compliance but the monumental backlog at IRS is prohibiting recognition online.


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