Tuesday, January 13, 2015

That was a "doozy" of a break!

Happy New Year from your Woolwich Central School PTA!  We hope your Holidays were happy and healthy.  And how about that two week break?  Whether you spent most of those two weeks with your kiddos,  or had to reorganize your child-care plans, consensus has been "love my kids...but, phew, that was a "doozy".  The day after Christmas, my son had the nerve to say "I'm bored..." (enter an epic squinty-eyed glare from Mom) 

Before we move on to 2015, we owe a big THANK YOU to all of our PTA members who helped coordinator, Karen, at our Shop Till U Drop Craft fair, Bookfair, cocoa/coffee table and Goody Walk!  Despite the weather, everyone pulled together and made it a terrific success!  This is an excellent example of diverse membership involvement, as many members who can not make our meetings stopped by to move tables, deliver baked goods, help with social media promotion, or cover the concessions.  Again, thank you for all you do!
8th grader, Bobby, cleaned house with his fudge bites at the Craft Fair
We had our January meeting last week and have plotted the beginning of 2015, which shows more exciting events and support from the PTA, and potential changes for RSU#1. Full minutes will follow, but here are a few highlights.
Thursday, January 15, WCS will be hosting author Sarah Albee who has written many non-fiction books, and plans to spend some time with each class.  The WCS PTA was happy to provide the funding and we thank Mrs. Luchies for arranging this for our school.
Saturday, January 17, The WCS Wellness Committee will open the skating rink!  A "ribbon cutting" ceremony of sorts will happen at 1:00pm. Thank you to two of our PTA members, Deb and Lanie for sitting on the Wellness Committee and helping bring the vision to reality!  Mrs. Harrington and her wellness team are amazing.
Thursday, February 5, the WCS PTA, with others, will be assisting CHOICES PreK parents and students at a district-level open house and activity night at Dike-Newall School promoting literacy and phonological awareness through music, reading aloud and take-home activities. The program runs from 6:00-7:30 and will serve all enrolled PreK kids and their families.  This outreach from school to home is so important and we are honored to be piloting this with the CHOICES program.  Volunteers, please email us with any interest at woolwichptc@yahoo.com
Baby it's cold outside and yet the Lost and Found is overflowing with warm clothes and boots!  Here is a photo from today; anything look familiar?

Thursday is also the last day for this BoxTop Race!  Winning class will get a 'skills clinic' from Morse HS Football Players! We are also hoping to arrange another "up close" experience with a race car.

As I write this, votes are being counted to determine if the Town of West Bath will leave our district.   The history is far too extensive and complicated to cover in this post; however, what will be important to seek out as the morning hours approach is whether or not enough voters turned out to make the decision valid (whether "yes" or "no").  That's 560 folks who need to vote.  Is it bad if they leave?  It depends on whom you ask and it's not the PTA's goal to take a position/opinion either way. What is real is that West Bath leaving the district will result in some reduced expenses, but also some revenue loss for the district (exact numbers are not known) and that revenue loss will need to be dealt with in the budget.   As budgets are squeezed, programs are as well, and it's important for our PTA to be ready to respond in the event detrimental affects of any departure of district towns trickle down to our kids.  Here is a recent editorial from the RSU#1 School Board . http://digital.olivesoftware.com/Olive/ODE/CoastalJournal/Default.aspx?href=MTCJ%2F2015%2F01%2F08&pageno=31&view=document

But more importantly, a withdrawal will mean some changes in the West Bath School Community which currently consists of a wonderful mix of West Bath and Choice students - and while those choice students currently enrolled will be able to finish their time at West Bath, the West Bath PTO, over time, will loose some wonderful parents who have helped in countless ways.  We wish our fellow West Bath school community the best, no matter what the future holds.

In closing, let's all keep an eye on our friends and neighbors (human and pets alike) during these frigid temperatures, and consider that school buses may start a little rough some mornings, and faces and toes may need a few more layers.  We are from Maine, it's how we roll, but it certainly helps to stick together through the darker days of winter.  Stay toasty!  As always, email us at woolwichptc@yahoo.com

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